When? 3-4-5 january 2025
Where? Sporthal Hazebeek - Hazebeekstraat 11, 8670 Oostduinkerke
- Tatami > 1200m2
- Always more than 5 different nationalities present (Belgian topteam delegation, Participants from the Netherlands, UK, France, Germany, Hungary, ....)
- Trainers from the Belgian Judo Federation, Dirk Van Tichelt (Olympic Bronze), ...
- 140 euro/full weekend (meals and overnight stay included)
- Per 15 judoka's from the same club: 1 for free
- IBAN account: BE93 4772 0261 3267 - BIC: KREDBEBB,
- Receipt document will be available at the start of the training camp.
- Price external( standard price): Training on Friday or Sunday 10€/training; Training on Saturday 15€/training
- Send name, gender, judoclub, age and birthdate to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
- All information will be kept for organisational reasons only (room allocation, ...)
- If suffering from certain allergies: please inform us.
All judoka's participating in the training camp have to be properly insured (via their own club or others) and must be in the possession of a valid licence.
judo Koksijde can not be held responsible for accidents, damage or theft
Overnight stay:
Hostel "De Peerdevisser"
Pillow, duvet and duvet cover available
Vacation Centrum "Hoge Duin"
17.00 - 19:00 |
Check-in at accomadation Hoge Duin Dinner |
19.15 |
Check-in for externals, at sports hall Hazebeek |
20:00 - 22:00 |
Randoritraining U13/U15/U18/+18 |
7.30 - 8.30 |
Breakfast groupe 1 U13/U15 |
8.30 - 9:30 |
Breakfast groupe 2 U18/+18 |
9.00 - 10:45 11:00-13:00 |
Randoritraining groupe 1 U13/U15 Randoritraining groupe 2 U18/+18 |
11:30 – 13:00 |
Lunch groupe 1 U13/U15 |
13:15-14u15 |
Lunch groupe 2 U18/+18 |
14:30-16:30 16:45 - 19:00 |
Technical training + Randoritraining GROUPE 1 U13/U15 Technical + Randoritraining GROUPE 2 U18/+18 |
18:00 |
Dinner GROUPE 1 |
19.30 |
Dinner GROUPE 2 |
07:30 - 9.00 |
Breakfast + Check-out (cleaning rooms) |
10h00 - 12h00 |
Randoritraining U13/U15/U18/+18 |
12u00 |
End of training camp |